Naši izdelki zadovoljijo najbolj zahtevne kupce, tako glede funkcionalnosti kot tudi prijaznosti do okolja.
Galerija izdelkov
Redno vzdržujemo Certificiran sistem vdenja kakovosti v skladu s standardom ISO 9001:2008
Certifikati in kakovost
Kakovost je naše vodilo že od samega začetka, kar se odraža tudi z zadovoljstvom naših kupcev.
We manufacture plastic products and semi-finished products,elastomers and punched metal products.We are also developing our own products. more
Our products are an indespensable component in the electric industry and white goods,avtomotive and medical industry more
Our production consists of modern machines, our knowledge is maintained regulary.more
Our products and services are consistant with the highest standards of quality. They comply with international regulations. more